Green Beref Organization Implemented the Shikshaantra Plus Program in Government Primary School

Green Beref Organization Implemented the Shikshaantra Plus Program in Government Primary School

The Government Primary School in the Bhiwadi village of Harchandpur was about to close a year ago because of a lack of students. People avoided taking their kids to school for a variety of reasons, including difficult access roads, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of teachers.

The Shikshantra Plus programme was established at the school by Green Beref Organization in February 2017. We changed a lot as a result of our intervention. These include updating the classrooms, providing floor mats, and setting up bathrooms and drinking water sources. In addition, Green Beref Organization has secured the services of a housekeeping steward and four more teachers. Additionally, we convinced the local government to construct a new approach road.

Our project coordinators advocated for community members to enrol their children in the school while simultaneously increasing capacity. All of our efforts paid off, and as of right now, there are 292 students instead of the initial 56. Academic achievement among the kids has also increased noticeably. Even an improvement to middle school is in the works.

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